2 papers accepted to ICML
Two of my papers got accepted for presentation at ICML:
- ProxSkip: Yes! Local Gradient Steps Provably Lead to Communication Acceleration! Finally!
- Proximal and Federated Random Reshuffling
The first of these two papers was a first-time submission and the latter was a resubmission. Earlier, we opted in to release online the reviews for the Prox RR paper from NeurIPS 2021, so the ICML reviewers could clearly see that our work was rejected. Nevertheless, it was recommended for acceptance.
There is still a lot of work for us to do to improve the reviewing process. One thing that I’m personally waiting for is that every conference would use OpenReview instead of CMT. OpenReview give the opportunity to write individual responses to the reviewers and supports LaTeX in the editor, which are amazing things. If your paper did not get accepted, don’t take it as a strong evidence that your work is not appreciated, it often happens to high-quality works. A good example of this is the recent revelation by Mark Schmidt on Twitter that their famous SAG paper was rejected from ICML 2012.